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2018.01-至今       南京工业大学,先进化学制造研究院IAS),教授

2016.01-2017.12  瑞士日内瓦大学,化学与生物72886必赢网址,博士后研究员

2012.08-2015.12  新加坡南洋理工大学,化学与生物化学系,博士后研究员

2007.09-2012.06  中国科学技术大学,有机化学,博士

2003.09-2007.06  中国科学技术大学,化学,学士






发展了一系列手性含氮化合物的不对称合成方法学;提出了手性阳离子控制金属阴离子的不对称催化策略,将高锰酸钾氧化发展成了一种实用的有机合成方法学;深入研究了不对称阴离子-π催化;迄今为止,在J. Am. Chem. Soc.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Nat. Commun.Chem. Commun.Org. Lett.Chem. Eur. J.等国际期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇。



1. Chao Wang, Lili Zong, and Choon-Hong Tan*; Enantioselective Oxidation of Alkenes with Potassium Permanganate Catalyzed by Chiral Dicationic Bisguanidinium; J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015137, 10677-10682. (Highlighted by ACS catalysis, organocatalysis virtual issue.)

2. Chao Wang, Francois N. Miros, Jiri Mareda, Naomi Sakai, and Stefan Matile*; Asymmetric Anion–pi Catalysis on Perylenediimides; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 14422-14426. (Hot Paper; Highlighted by Chemistry World.)

3. Chao Wang, and Stefan Matile*; Anion-π Catalysts with Axial Chirality; Chem. Eur. J. 201723, 11955-11960.

4. Chao Wang, Xiao-Hua Chen, Shi-Ming Zhou and Liu-Zhu Gong*; Asymmetric organocatalytic formal double-arylation of azomethines for the synthesis of highly enantiomerically enriched isoindolinesChem. Commun. 201046, 1275-1277.

5. Chao Wang, Zhi-Yong Han, Hong-Wen Luo, and Liu-Zhu Gong*; Highly Enantioselective Relay Catalysis in the Three-Component Reaction for Direct Construction of Structurally Complex Heterocycles; Org. Lett. 201012, 2266-2269.

6. Chao Wang, Hong-Wen Luo, Liu-Zhu Gong*; Br?nsted Acid Catalyzed Dynamic Kinetic Resolution of Azlactones for the Synthesis of Aryl Glycine Derivatives; Synlett. 20117992-994.

7. Chao Wang, Cindy Mei Ting Goh, Shihua Xiao, Weiping Ye, Choon-Hong Tan*; Review: Enantioselective Protonation Catalyzed by Chiral Br?nsted Bases; J. Syn. Org. Chem. Jpn. 201371, 1145-1151.

8. Lili Zong, Chao Wang, Adhitya Mangala Putra Moeljadi, Xinyi Ye, Rakesh Ganguly, Yongxin Li, Hajime Hirao, and Choon-Hong Tan*; Bisguanidinium dinuclear oxodiperoxomolybdosulfate ion pair-catalyzed enantioselective sulfoxidation; Nat. Commun. 20167, 13455, doi: 10.1038/ncomms13455 (2016).

王超 教授



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